Unary Minus

The unary minus operator is used to negate a numeric value, (and sometimes to promote the value's type to int in the process).


Unary Minus operators can be used in unary minus expressions. Unary minus expressions can be expressed through:

1 - operand


operand is a primitive numeric type or a wrapper type corresponding to a primitive numeric type (such as Integer or Double). A primitive numeric type is any primitive type other than boolean, that is, any of the following types:
  • byte
  • short
  • char
  • int
  • float
  • long
  • double

Syntax Elements

1 Unary minus expression.


The unary minus operator can take any primitive numeric type (byte, short, char, int, long, float, or double) as its operand, but can also take any corresponding wrapper type (Byte, Short, Character, Integer, Long, Float, or Double). If a wrapper type is provided, the type is first unboxed into its primitive counterpart.

If a wrapper type is provided as the operand of a unary minus operator, it is unboxed before "promotion to int" or the negation occur. For example,
Integer x = Integer.valueOf(123); // Variable x stores an Integer object that represents the value 123
System.out.println(-x); // x is "unboxed" into 123 as an int

The above code is equivalent to:

Integer x = Integer.valueOf(123);
System.out.println(- (int) x);

That is to say that the operand of - is converted to its primitive form, if necessary.

After unboxing (if necessary), if the operand is a byte, short, or char, then integer promotion occurs: The type is converted to int. Since the int type can always represent all of the values of each of these 3 smaller types, no change in value ever occurs during this promotion process.


The type of a unary minus expression is the promoted, primitive type of the input (that is, the type of the input after unboxing then integer promotion are performed, if necessary).

The unary minus operator negates its input. For most numbers, this transformation is trivial.

Integral Types

The minimum values of integer types int and long are: -2147483648 and -9223372036854775808 respectively. Performing the unary minus operation on either of these values will cause overflow and result in the same value.

There is no corresponding, positive int for -2147483648, and there is no corresponding positive long for -9223372036854775808. Because of this, trying to negate either value would result in the maximum positive value plus 1 for the respective type, which overflows to the minimum value. For example, negating -2147483648, would result in 2147483648 (which is the maximum value of an int: 2147483647, plus 1), which then simply overflows back to -2147483648.

Resultingly, negating the minimum int or long value results in the same value.

Floating Point Types

For floating point values (float and double), the unary minus operator simply flips the sign bit. This results in a normal, mathematic negation for any floating point value except for NaN; the negation of NaN is NaN.

Note that negating floating point zero (0.0) will result in negative zero (-0.0), and negating negative zero results in positive zero. Floating point types differentiate between negative and positive zero.


Negating Numbers

This example uses the unary minus operator twice, once per line:

int x = -14;



Numeric Promotion

Applying the unary minus operator to a value twice will always result in the same numeric value, though the type will be promoted if it's smaller than int:

System.out.println(- -10); // Prints 10
int minInteger = -2147483648; // Lowest possible integer
System.out.println(- -minInteger); // Prints -2147483648
System.out.println(- -0.0); // Prints 0.0
System.out.println(- -0.0d); // Also prints 0.0



Because of this, double negation is effectively equivalent to an application of the unary plus operator.

Double-Negation of NaN

The result of double-negating a value is always that same value, but if the value is a floating point NaN, equality comparisons will always result in false:

double x = 0.0 / 0; // x is equal to NaN
System.out.println(x == - -x); // Prints false, despite x and - -x being the same value.



This is because an equality check between two NaN values always results in false.

Type of Unary Minus Expressions

The type of a unary minus expression is partially controlled by the type of the operand expression.

public static void main(String[] args) {
	System.out.println("Types of primitive invocations:");
	test(-(byte) 1); 					// int
	test(-(char) 1);					// int
	test(-(short) 1);					// int
	test(-(int) 1);
	test(-(long) 1);
	test(-(float) 1);
	test(-(double) 1);
	System.out.println("\nTypes of wrapper invocations:");
	test(-Byte.valueOf((byte) 1));		// int
	test(-Character.valueOf((char) 1));	// int
	test(-Short.valueOf((short) 1));	// int
	test(-Integer.valueOf(1));			// int
	test(-Long.valueOf(1));				// long
	test(-Float.valueOf(1));			// float
	test(-Double.valueOf(1));			// double


static void test(byte in) {

static void test(char in) {

static void test(short in) {

static void test(int in) {

static void test(long in) {

static void test(float in) {

static void test(double in) {


Types of primitive invocations:

Types of wrapper invocations:

In the above example, the test(int), test(long), test(float, and test(double) methods are called, which is why the output contains only int, long, float, and double. The test(byte), test(char), and test(short) methods do not get called at all. The type of the unary minus expression is either int, long, float, or double, depending on the argument.